Prospective graduate students
I generally have room to accept 1 student each year. If my description of research overlaps with your interests then please contact me. When making initial contact it is very helpful to hear about your background and interests. The more specific you can be about a possible research project the better (with full understanding that your proposed research may change by the time you apply, and definitely by the time research commences). It is also useful to have a copy of your unofficial transcripts and an updated CV/resume. If there looks to be some possible overlap then I will suggest a zoom conversation so that we can talk further. It is unfortunately impossible for me to confirm your acceptance in advance of your application and the adjudication process. Graduate school applications are a competitive process. It is generally good practice to apply to at least four schools to ensure you have good choices.
The deadline for application to the School of Environmental Studies graduate program is January 15th. For more information about the application process please see here. I look forward to hearing from you.